From Sep 21-23, 2021 in Calgary, AB
North America’s Leading Energy Event
Over its proud 55-year history, the Global Energy Show (previously known as the Global Petroleum Show) has served to unite the industry by bringing buyers, sellers, stakeholders, partners, CEOs, young professionals and the public together to share knowledge and fuel innovation in the ever-changing energy landscape.
Hosted in the energy epicentre of Canada, Calgary, Alberta, the Global Energy Show is the largest platform that allows for collaboration from all energy sources to showcase innovation and technology that combats the dilemma of matching the increasing energy demand with the need for a transition to a lower-carbon economy.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) highlighted three key conversations that are integral to consider when incorporating new initiatives and strategies to move the energy dialogue forward.
• The rising demand for services that energy provides due to a growing global population
• The recognition that oil and natural gas play critical roles in today’s energy and economic systems
• The imperative to reduce energy-related emissions in line with international climate targets
As the demand for cleaner energy increases to match the global climate policy, the Global Energy show defines the commercial opportunities presented by this transition, aiding the global economic recovery.
In April 2020, the Global Energy Show made the difficult decision to postpone the event following the global COVID-19 pandemic. To ensure the health and safety of all participants, the Global Energy Show introduced conference and exhibition content in a digital format.
To continue the energy dialogue as part of the online webinar series, webinars featuring energy CEOs and experts discussed vital topics including energy investment in the post pandemic world, long-term sustainable energy solutions and building resilience in technology, innovation and partnerships.
Leading into the 2021, the Global Energy Show exhibition and conference will build upon the continued evolution of the industry, featuring a diversified energy mix. The event will engage 53,000 local and international leaders from over 110 countries around the world. Attendees will learn and do business with companies providing the latest cutting-edge technologies and solutions that support the global energy transition, including methane regulation and reduction, battery storage, power grids, and carbon capture and sequestration.
Visit TECO-Westinghouse at Booth# 1188; and discuss with our talented team our solutions for all your Electric Motor, Gear Reducer & Variable Frequency Drive requirements – Whatever your application we’ve got you covered!
Calgary Stampede Park
20 Roundup Way S.E.
Calgary, Alberta
BOOTH #1188
Visit the Global Petroleum Show website for further details.